Friday, November 27, 2009

Philippians 4:13

On the verge of a meltdown I do what I usually do when I feel too weak to press on, I SEEK GOD. The end of the most dreadful semester is drawing near. Right before the breakthrough is the test of faith. I have studied hard but the last time I was in a stressful class like this, I wasn't a wife and I definitely wasn't a mother. Balancing a full time job, full time school, full time wife, full time mother can drain every fiber of your being. My issue with school is retaining the information. When I should be studying I am wondering, "Did I take something out of the freezer for dinner?" Hubby is finishing his second master's so we both decided to miss out on our usual Thanksgiving plans, celebrating with friends and family to stay home and study. Of course I cooked but although we missed everyone it was so necessary to stay focused in order to stay on track. We have HUGE goals and in order to get there means some dedication, sacrifice and persistence.

Just when my pity party was begininng I stumbled upon this picture, Stolen King by one of my favorite artists, Kadir Nelson. Next to Frank Morrison he is the BEST! Looking at this picture gave me strength to suck it up and get focused. This gives me chills because the Stolen King in this picture endured MUCH MUCH more than my mind can even fathom. So why complain? GET IT TOGETHER and get it done!! That means cancelling plans with friends and family until I get through this rough patch. December 7th will be a day of celebration as it will mark my last day in this class! I GOT THIS IN JESUS NAME!!! I can do all thing through Christ that strengthens me! I CAN DO THIS!!

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