Sunday, July 26, 2009

Who's that lady??

This is my very first post in my new blog! YAY!

I have always wanted to blog about fashion but kindof blew it off and figured I'd leave fashion blogging to the professionals. After some thought and encouragement from my friends and my buddy Deb's powerful statement re: fashion blogging, here I am. ..I am wife, mother, teacher as well as a student. I love all things fashion! I'm a hippy in overdrive. People ask me why I refer to myself as a hippy, well because hippies seemed to be such free spirits. They were very into nature and peace and well thats me pretty much. I am a reformed wild child turned calm/cool/collective.

I am plus-sized but that doesn't interfere in my fierceness, curvy doesn't mean that you must wear moo-moo's! I believe that a little extra junk don't stop the show..I have been loosing some of my preggo weight SLOWLY but surely by making lifestyle changes. I'm no where near my goal...but I'm still in this race!

After having a child born with excema I have turned into the most naturalistic-herbalistic-ecocentric chic you'd ever meet! My daughter and her sensitive skin encouraged me to look for natural healthy alternatives for skin and hair care. I made the BC (big chop) August 2008 so my nappiversary is fastly approaching! I am a super thrify...I love eBay, thrift stores, garage sales, and consignment shops and have been rumored to sneak out early Saturday mornings looking for garage sales! LOL! I would classify my style as Diva glam with a splash of boho and a scoop of Rock Chic topped with a little vintage flair.

So if you are still reading my jibberish subscribe, tell a friend and follow me on this roller coaster ride of natural fabulosity!

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